A brief presentation of Sharing and its contents, interview by Marc Barto of the citizen media site
Media coverage for Sharing:
Tizioano Bonini, Conversazione con Philippe Aigrain, DoppioZero, 22 October 2014.
João Pedro Quintais, Legalizing File-Sharing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — or Gone? Report for the Information Influx Conference 2014, 2 July 2014, published on SSRN, 1 October 2014.
Omar Willey, Philippe Aigrain's Sharing, Toward a Sustainable Internet, Seattle Star, 26 November 2013.
Video interview (EN with IT subtitles) by NEXT Open Innovation during the Social Media Week in Torino, 24 September 2012.
The copyright paradox, interview by Bertram Niessen, MCD (Digital cultures and musics) #68, September 2012. Also in French as "Le paradoxe du droit d'auteur".
Aigrain a Torino: "I veri social media non sono Facebook e TouTube", Wired Italia, 24 September 2012.
Social media e sviluppo umano, text produced at the occasion of my invited talk for the opening of the Social Media Week in Torino, La Stampa, 24 September 2012
Condividere le opere solo a titolo personale, opinion editorial in Il Sole 24 Ore, 23 September 2012
The copyright paradox, interview in MCD (Digital Music and Culture) 68 (EN/FR) special issue on The Open Future, September 2012.
Radoslaw Czajka, Nie chodzi o dostęp, 13 July 2012 (in Polish). Note: for a more detailed discussion of attention diversity in sharing vs. commercial sales and limits of the comparison in the graph presented in the blog post, see pp. 36-43 of Sharing.
Video of keynote speech at the Copyright Reform: Sharing and the Culture Economy, Warsaw, Poland, 12 July 2012 (produced by Dorota Jaroslawska)
Interview mit Christian Möller, Teilen und Teilen Lassen, Breitband DRadio, 30 June 2012.
Gaëlle Claorec, Cours, culture, le vieux monde est derrière toi !, Zibeline, 14 juin 2012.
Helena Rymar and Józef Halberszadt, Debate and conference (Seminarium Nowoczesnej Polski dotyczące książki) on Sharing, Centrum Kultury Wspanialy Swiat, Warszawa, ul. Nowy Świat 63, 5 june 2012, 18:00.
Reviews of Sharing prepared for Medium of Collective Intelligence by Sebastian Haunss, Christiane Heibach and Mirko Tobias-Schäfer, Konstanz, 10 May 2012. One can also listen to the sound recording of the author's keynote speech.
- FileSharing: Urheberrecht darf in Alltag kanne Rolle spielen, review by Leonhart Dobusch, Zeit On-line, 30 April 2012
- Une économie culturelle incompatible avec le partage ne mérite pas d'exister, entretien avec Fabien Benoit, Usbek & Rica n°2, 26 avril 2012. See also errata on the author's blog.
- The Creative Contribution, review by prow, Inkillers: unreeling, records, films and more; 9 April 2012
- What is the Creative Contribution ?, interview by Marc Barto,, 5 April 2012
- Digital sharing as a fundamental right, interview by Marc Barto,, 5 April 2012 (note from the author: sharing is for me a social right implementing the fundamental right to participate in the cultural life of the city expressed in UHDR 27.1, not a fundamental right per se)
- Pour un service public du téléchargement ? (enregistrement obligatoire, accès gratuit), entretien avec Sophie Duvauchelle animé par Aline Pénitot, Regards, avril 2012
- Het recht op ongelimiteerd plukken, book review by Peter Teffer, NRC Handelsblad, 17 March 2012
- Financer le partage des œuvres sur Internet, entretien avec David Bornstein & Ivan Jablonka, La Vie des idées, 16 mars 2012. ISSN : 2105-3030.
- Torrents, Community and Cultural Diversity, follow-up work by groente on attention diversity analysis for various torrents sites and media, 14 March 2012
- En attendant la libération du Net, interview by Aline Pénitot,, 7 March 2012
- Post-Tsunami: comment la fermeture de Megaupload a bouleversé le Web français ?, interview, Atlantico, 2 March 2012
- Des radios libres à l'internet libre, opinion editorial with Antoine Lefébure, 23 February 2012, Libération
- Le podcast se partage, Erwan Cario, Camille Gévaudan et Sophian Fanen,ération and NoLifeTV, 23 February 2012
- Nous vivons une vaste décentralisation culturelle, interview with Roderic Mounir, in Coup de filet sur la toile, Le Courrier (Suisse), 18-19 February 2012
- Downloaden is het nieuwste mensenrecht, De Pers (Dutch daily newspaper), 6 February 2012
- Eis het recht op om te delen, opinion editorial in NRC.NEXT (Dutch daily newspaper), 31 January 2012
- Clarisse Fabre, Sortir de l'HADOPI, est-ce possible ?, Le Monde, dated 28 January 2012.
Advance coverage:
- Liz Wilson, Striking a Blow for Digital Freedom,, December 1, 2011.
For media enquiries to the publisher, please contact Valeria Mecozzi at Amsterdam University Press, v <dot> mecozzi <at> aup <dot> nl, +31 20 420 0050. You can contact directly Philippe Aigrain using the contact form on this site. For enquiries in the UK, you may also contact Suzanne Aigrain: suzanne <dot> aigrain <at> astro <dot> ox <dot> ac <dot> uk.
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